Yizre’el; Jezreel
(Josh. 19:18)
Now a kibbutz in the Jezreel Valley, with same name as the Biblical city of Jezreel (Yizre’el in Hebrew), whose name was preserved in that of abandoned neighboring village Zar’in.
Ancient Jezreel: Biblical Jezreel was included in the tribal allotment of Issachar. Saul camped here before his last battle with the Philistines and here too the incident at Naboth’s bestpainrelievers.net involving Ahab, Naboth, Jezebel and the prophet Elijah took place (I Kings 21).
Jezreel was destroyed by Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria (722 BCE) . It appears to have been re-inhabited from the Hellenistic Period till the Middle Ages. (In 1170, the traveler, Benjamin of Tudela, found an impoverished settlement here with one Jewish family.)
Finds include a Roman burial cave, remains of a Byzantine church which was completed by the Crusaders. Shards found from Iron Age and from the Hellenistic Period to Middle Ages.