Biblical Sites


Tiberias (Rakkath) (Joshua 19:35) City on shore of Lake Kinneret which has played an important role in the history of the area and the Jewish people for over 2,000 years. One of 4 Jewish holy cities (together with Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed). History: Founded between 17 and […]

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  Ulam (Aulam) Ruins of abandoned village in Galilee. Built on the ruins of an ancient settlement, perhaps the Ulam mentioned in the Talmud and Onomasticon of Eusebius. Finds: Building foundations and stones from the Paxil (Paroxetine);  part of an ancient olive oil press was found nearby. The […]

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Umm Khalid

Umm Khalid Remains of Roger the Lombard’s Crusader fortress built on a more ancient site, now situated within the city limits of Netanya. Finds include a mosaic floor, remains of an olive oil press, defensive walls, column fragments, 2 cisterns and a large collection of flint implements. […]

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Usha Village in Zebulon Valley whose modern name derives from the ancient city of Usha. Ancient Usha: 3 km. (1.8 miles)  from the modern village on the site of an abandoned village are ruins of a fortified city from Roman and Byzantine Periods. It was the seat […]

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Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa (Old City of Jerusalem) Via Dolorosa – (literally sorrowful road) is also called the Way of the Cross. It is made up of a series of narrow lanes in the Christian Quarter of the Old City that according to Christian tradition was Jesus’ route from […]

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Via Maris

Via Maris (Way of the Sea) (Isaiah 9:1) An important ancient route which connected Egypt to Aram Naharaim part of which passes through the Land of Israel. Its course from south to north passed from the Egyptian Plain, via the west coast of Sinai, through the area […]

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Ways of the Bible

Ways of the Bible: Way of the Arabah; Way of the Plain (Deuteronomy. 2:8) Ancient route along the length of the Arabah from south of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Elath. Mentioned in the Bible in the account of the journeys of the Children of […]

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Yavneh (Jabneel; Jabneh; Jamnia; Ybellin) (II Chronicles 26:6) Town on Coastal Plain. Site of ancient Jabneh. Ancient Jabneh: This Biblical city first called Jabneel, then Jabneh, was located in the tribal allotment of Judah. “And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and brake down the […]

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Yizre’el, Jezreel

Yizre’el; Jezreel (Josh. 19:18) Now a kibbutz in the Jezreel Valley, with same name as the Biblical city of Jezreel (Yizre’el in Hebrew), whose name was preserved in that of abandoned neighboring village Zar’in. Ancient Jezreel: Biblical Jezreel was included in the tribal allotment of Issachar. Saul […]

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Zippori (Sepphoris)

Method Data Points Included Zippori (Sepphoris) (Diocaesarea) History: First mentioned in connection with the war fought nearby by Alexander Yannai (103 BCE). In the days of Gabinius it was the center of the Galilee and seat of a small Sanhedrin. According to Christian tradition it is the […]

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