ina m®tiq gerriya œl B¥t-Dagœna, œl Yœpû, œl Banay-Barqa, œl Azôru, œlœni ßa Ôidqâ ßa ana ß®p®ya ar≈iß lœ iknußu alme, akßud, aßlula ßallassun. . . .
In the course of my campaign the town of Bêt-Dagœn, the town of Yœpô, the town of Banay-Barqa, the town of ‘Azôru, towns belonging to Ôiqdâ who had not bowed at my feet immediately, I surrounded, I conquered, I despoiled. (Sennacherib’s Third Campaign, after Borger 197
Egyptian Revolt. In 486 bce, while the Persians were amassing their forces for the war against Hellas, news arrived at the Persian court that a new rebellion had broken out in Egypt (Herodotus 7.1, 3). Shortly after that Darius died (cf. Lecoq 1997:255, §4, n. 2) and was succeeded by the eldest son of his royal wife (Atossa, the daughter of Cyrus II; Herodotus 7.3.4), viz. Xerxes (Old Per. Xßayœrßœ; Akkad. Ùißi’arßa’; Elam. Ikßer’ißßa; Gk. Xe/rxhß; Heb. ‘a˙aßw®rôß). Meanwhile, a business document from Babylon attests to a certain IÙu-ta-x-x-‘ A-ßú ßá IPa-ga-ka-an-na L¨pa-≈a-tu4 E.KI ù e-bé-ri ^D = IÙuta–‘ apilßu ßa IPagakanna pœ≈œtu Bœbaili u Eber Nœri, “Ùutta–‘ son of Pagakanna governor of Babylon and Beyond the River” (BM 74554:1_3; Stolper 1989:284). The date of the transaction, ITUKIN UD.24.KæM MU.36.KæM IDa–ri-iá-muß LUGAL E.KI u KUR.KUR.MEÍ = Ul∑lu ∑m 24 ßanat 36 IDariyawuß ßar Bœbili u mœtœti, “Month of Ul∑lu, day twenty-four, year thirty-six of Darius king of Babylon and of the lands” (BM 74554:20_22), proves that the provinces of Babylon and Beyond the River had not been separated yet, and they were still under one satrap (Stolper 1992).
Ói[z]qîyœhû son of Q‹rœ’œh son of ͺreß. Buqqîyœhû A˙îyœhû son of “Sandy” son of ‘Amaqyœ[hû]. . . . ]yœhû son of Qry son of ‘Amaqyœhû