Jerusalem Biblical Archaeology: Walking in the Footsteps of History


Temple Mount view 

To many people, a visit to Jerusalem means the Old City, and, with so much to discover in the one square kilometer (0.4 square mile) where history, culture and religion rub up against each other in such close quarters, who can blame them?

But walk anywhere in Jerusalem and chances are, you are walking on thousands of years of continuous history.

To pinpoint sites outside of the Old City, Carta has created the Jerusalem Biblical Archaeology map. The easy-to-use map details all of Jerusalem’s archaeological sites, from the well-known to the more obscure.

This new map covers the major eras from the Old Testament and earlier up to the Islamic Period, allowing visitors to trace the development of the city from its earliest known times to the modern day.

To find the old in the new, the Jerusalem Biblical Archaeology map fits over Carta’s Map of Jerusalem, for easy location of the ancient sites in the modern city.

And there are unexpected finds in unexpected places.

Malha may be the site of one of Israel’s best shopping malls, but it was once also the site of two large Bronze Age agricultural villages. The Israel Museum and the Bible Lands Museum are full of archaeological finds, but to see discoveries in situ, take a short stroll to the Wohl Rose Garden to examine several rock-cut tombs from the Second Temple Period. or, head over to Gilo Park to discover an ancient wine press and other agricultural installations.

Jerusalem has many secrets and hidden treasures, so, step outside the walls and explore some of the city’s abundant archaeological attractions.

Danielle Max


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